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My Journey to Sacred Self-Love

Ashley Devon

Updated: Dec 7, 2022

I've always adored rituals and ceremonies in life - they are perfect for marking milestones, recognizing achievements, facilitating transitions, and celebration in general. But I had never ascribed one to an act of self-love because that seemed selfish, self-indulgent, and unnecessary.

Only after I found the same patterns repeating in my life, leading me back to the same basic problem: a lack of self-love, did I understand how necessary the ritual aspect actually is - and creating excuses as to why I didn't need a ritual to honor myself was telling of the problem.

What is ritual?

Rituals happen whether we want them to or not. A ritual is just a daily habit, not necessarily religious or spiritual (though I believe everything in life is spiritual - change my mind). Brushing your teeth upon waking, going to the same coffee shop for your “regular” order, tidying up your desk after work — these are all unconscious rituals.

✨Sacred✨ rituals are meaningful habits we create intentionally and connect to something that we value, love, enjoy or need. Sacred rituals encourage mindfulness, self-awareness, self-love, creativity, relaxation, gratitude, peace and joy in daily life. They are powerful (and free) medicine!

Ritual & Self-Love

Without the INTENTION of self-love, I was skimming through life banking on my subconscious ability to love myself. Not a smart move when my subconscious obviously had trouble with this, as evidenced by the repetitive lessons life kept throwing at me.

So it was clear: intention was missing. Self-love was a new muscle I now had to consciously train myself to use. Sacred ritual was necessary.

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